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The first video project we ever did was a documentary, On The Wild Side, and it remain one of our main focus to keep producing and working on documentaries. Here are a few work in projects and past releases we worked on. 

On The Wild Side is a documentary about the movements against hunting and poaching all over the world, the ethics that push individuals to refuse this form of unnecessary violence, and a reflection on our society in the crucial times of climate changes and animal, earth and human exploitation.

How do you put down roots where not even trees grow anymore? Oreste's Hutte, an alpine hut located at 2600 meters above sea level, is unique: off-piste, open even in winter, it is run by the Squinobal family, which has chosen to experience the mountain differently.

Tra la fine degli anni 90 e i primi anni 2000 il movimento internazionale per la liberazione degli animali attraversa una fase di profondo rinnovamento.

Storie di speranze, libertà, vittorie ma anche sconfitte, raccontate attraverso le parole delle attiviste e attivisti di quel periodo. Un viaggio nel tempo per ripercorrere alcuni degli anni che hanno cambiato la storia del movimento animalista italiano.

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